What does Fair Trade Certified mean for Brands?

What is Fairtrade?

Fair trade is a global movement made up of a diverse network of producers, companies, consumers, advocates, and organizations putting people and the planet first. At its core, Fairtrade

is about better prices, better working conditions, sustainability for working communities and fair terms of trade for all in the developing world.

The power of Fairtrade and its impact on the world is entirely in your hands, the consumer.

How does Fairtrade Certified make a difference?

So, how does Fairtrade certification make a difference to the lives of the people who grow things we love?

“Empowering 975,000+ workers with $740 million in Financial benefits to producers since 1998…” – FairTradeCertified.org

The creation and implementation of strict standards

Fairtrade Certification is rewarded to those that are able to uphold Fair Trade’s rigorous standards that fulfill their mission to connect disadvantaged farmers and workers with consumers. Standards are bespoke to each industry to ensure that globally, everyone is working toward empowering workers and farmers to combat poverty and take control of their lives. Explore fair trade standards here.

Investing community development funds

For each product that is FairTrade Certified, businesses will pay a premium that is used to fund the community of the producers. Communities are organised into committees that democratically vote on how funds will be used which empowers them and ensures funds are used in the correct ways that impact their community and livelihoods. Check out how these funds are used here.

Clothing brands that are FairTrade Certified #WeWearFairTrade

How can Fairtrade certification benefit brands?

Fairtrade Certification is rooted in its cause to create trading partnerships founded on transparency, fairness and economic empowerment. Businesses who wish to meet their own sustainability goals and transform their brand position to connect with a sustainable audience benefit greatly from the well-recognised Fair Trade seal that is recognised by millions of people worldwide.

Over the past 25 years, shoppers have generated 1 billion Euros in Fairtrade Premium for farmers and workers to empower themselves and their communities. Studies published have shown 84% of UK consumers believe in the importance of third-party certification with 82% of those identifying FairTrade (Stats here)

The impact of Fairtrade Certified goods for farmers, workers and the climate has been tremendous, which is why, we, at Livetree,  want to help equip you, the consumer, with the tools, community and knowledge to make the right decision when it comes to what brands you want to invest in.

Your dollar is a vote for the change you want to see 

in the world

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