What is The Livetree Mark?

What is sustainability? 

The word “sustainability” means a lot of different things to different people, but the one unifying opinion, is that “sustainability” refers to the preservation of the world and its inhabitants. At Livetree, we believe that sustainability refers to the change in human behaviour in pursuit of a better world – the conscious decision and action to preserve the environment and to create a more inclusive and progressive society. 

What is the Livetree Mark?

The Livetree Mark is an independently reviewed accreditation that helps consumers identify companies with the highest level of ethical, social and environmental standards, and contributions to society. Livetree’s aim is to shine a light on stories that change the world. The Livetree Mark tells the story of brands that make the effort to help change the world. 

The Livetree Mark is not simply a certificate that a brand may buy to greenwash its image and continue following unethical practices. It tells the story of brands who have truly made the effort to change their policies to pursue a sustainable path to the future.

The Livetree Mark provides a platform for brands to come together to make positive strategic decisions.  It also empowers consumers to make conscious choices. 

How does a brand get a Livetree Mark?

The Livetree Mark is awarded only to brands who match our high standards of sustainability. We conduct an initial assessment of a brand to ensure it meets the benchmarks set for at least 3 of the 7 Livetree Charter Principles. Upon qualifying, the we progress the brand to the quantitative assessment stage. In this stage we use self-reported data to assign Positive Stories. Then, the Livetree Panel of Experts conduct a consultative assessment on the brand. Our Panel of Experts employs their years of combined experience and industry knowledge to provide a relevant and expert grade to the brand. Finally, we assess the brand’s Community Activation and Engagement factor, which results in an ultimate Livetree Mark grade. This process is reviewed and updated every 2 years to ensure its relevance and authenticity.

A Livetree Mark brand is one that strives to go beyond the basic benchmarks of sustainability and brings about real, positive change in the world.


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